Paul Bielenberg Receives Outstanding Service Award


Congratulations to Outstanding Service award honoree Paul Bielenberg! Paul is a highly respected architectural photographer with numerous clients and projects nationwide. Dedicated to the widespread ArtCenter community of creative professionals, he regularly collaborates with fellow alumni on client shoots. He has taught architectural photography at ArtCenter since 1986. He epitomizes the entrepreneurial graduate with an established career and teaches a high standard of professionalism in his classes. A deeply committed teacher, he works tirelessly with students and supports them with guidance and expertise to discover solutions to artistic and business challenges.

ArtCenter College of Design will honor Paul and three additional distinguished alumni at the 2018 Alumni Awards Dinner on Saturday evening, October 27 at the Chevy Chase Country Club. The event, held in conjunction with the College’s inaugural Alumni Reunion, honors those who best represent the impact of an ArtCenter education on the world to shape a more humane future.