Where Passions Meet: Get to Know Spring ‘23 Graduate Natalie Somekh

Current student Rebeca Castillo interviews rising graduate Natalie Somekh, giving readers insight into her photography on and off the stage. Coming to ArtCenter with significant experience in music photography, Natalie has utilized her time at ArtCenter to expand and refine her skillset, while exploring her style and sensibilities within Fashion Photography..

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High Fashion and the Central Californian Coast: An Interview With Ty Mullen

What inspired you to create your recently published book, 26? Could you explain the importance of having the images formatted as a book?
This project came to me one day while sitting in LA traffic, as so many of us do. I was reflecting on my journey so far as an artist, student, and overall as an individual. I was born on March 26, so this book is also a celebration of my “golden” birthday. Turning the project into a book allowed me to face my fears as an artist and, because it’s something tangible, I can hold it in my hands and say, “I made this”.

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